Sunday, September 2, 2007

those sweet moments- i know He has only the BEST for me

9 more days to having the internet connection back. just waiting PATIENTLY...

had GREATTT fun ytd!
after yyb, moses, shuhui and i were busy planning on the wedding of jie minghui and kor desmond. its so exciting! i bet you will nvr have gone to such a wedding ever in your life time. crap non stop lah. saying we gna go retro etc. the most interesting part is the **** at mum's place. hohohoho. this is so exciting i just cant wait for next year.
i believe the six of us in worship warriors will soar so high and go into the nations. *giggles*
will be going to austin hill this wednesday. praying hard that some people can make it!!
its two more days to the 3rd year im in disciple class. this is just so interesting as i look back in life =D
oh. ONE PIECE OF GOODGOODGOOD NEWS! my DAD RECIEVED CHRIST LAST FRIDAYand he gave me a new phone. what nice daddy i have! he bought a new phone for me and changed w me my old phone to use. he is now so sweet to me after being filled with the love of God! he calls me like everyday to talk to me!
andandand the sweetest thing is when i ask him if he is happy, he replied me and said * the moment i think of you, im happy. *melts my heart* faints. haha. im praying for what-seems-impossible in the eyes of man to happen. I BELIEVE.
daddy shepherd called me last night to see if i was okay. he is soooooo cute! hehehe. fancy an old man msging you "praise the lord. ha ha ha... " excuse me. if u didnt catch me, a sixty over year old man msged me that. ha! after i told him that he was just too serious in sms. hahhahaha.

this week had been a real painful week for me. the fire of God was just burning and burning all my sins away. so painful. but its only naturally that there is pain lah. cause as we draw closer to allos parakletos, he is fire and of course all those dirt will be burnt away. so anyway, i was so angry and painful and all i complained to God lah. why you let me go through all this. and guess what he replied? he said* i was only answering your prayers what* man. i was so shock with that answer. haha. so true. haven't i always ask god to draw ,me closer to him?? that i want to know him more? and tadah! he answered my prayer. hahahha. lol.
so many times we praise and worship God merely with lyrics. you are the potter, im the clay. how many truly knows what this means? it means that you allow God to come and transform you. and how many know just how much pain it is? but yet i am satisfied even in pain. cause those are the times i am closest to God =)
i believe that Im going to get into music and audio technology and the university will have to open a course for me.
w/o childlike faith you cannot enter the kingdom of god.
jesus trusted god that he came as a baby. even when the king ordered all the babies to bve killed, he trusted him.
even in times of darkness, i will still trust and believe.

i have taken sooo many pics w my darlings i cant wait to post them up! see you~