Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A little too close for comfort, a little getting too used to it.

Friday is Christmas celebration! looking forward to it cause i have already plan what to wear. SAME AS WHAT I WORE FOR CHRISTMAS LAST YEAR. doesn't sound exciting at all eh.

Too bad shaunny wont be around cause he will be in Japan :(

A few more days to the end of the year... a few more days left for December. THE AXE WILL FLOAT, THE AXE WILL FLOAT, ELIJAH SAID THE AXE WILL FLOAT! it dawned on me that David trusted God and interceded and prayed that God will have mercy on his child. but when no miracle happened and the baby died, he got up and ceased his mourning cause he did all that he could. he gave his best. This is what is gonna happen for me. HMMMM. i will give my best and launch in to the new year with no regrets. man, ain't i glad that Chinese new year falls on January :D can collect moolahs beginning of the year. how nice.