Monday, May 4, 2009

Daddy got a new phone for me... fron CHINA. hahah. eh, not bad okay. sing dollars is about 200 bucks... its quite cute actually. imitation of Iphone. HAHA. so funnyyy. And mum is bringing me to get a new line today! the unlimited sms one. im gona start disturbing the shit out of ppl :)

Theres many things im starting to miss... i miss the past, my friends etc. so, come back to me all of you! hahahaha. today school ended at twelve cause HR lecture is cancelled. so stayed back in school for project. OMG. David is sure chiong-ster. But its a good thing (: I'm glad to have him as my project mate. Class is pretty fine. getting along well.

Now it seems like time aren't on my side. I NEED to organise my time man. Exams are like coming in less than three weeks time... I cant believe it seriously!!! KELVIN KHOO! gimme a text to tell me u are still alive leh! i hope i still have ur number somewhere... so when are you coming on sunday to learn your guitar? :)

And the 5am race began today yo. getting back on track to the strict training!