Monday, July 14, 2008


churched as per normal. After service, rebec, son and grandson wanted to gimme a surprise so i went with them for lunch after service before yyb. and so we took bus. the four of us. they were contemplating whether they should give me the surprise then. grandson said no. cause WE WERE ON THE BUS and its so not the right atmosphere. like not sweet kinda thing. haha. SO FUNNY!

and so we arrived at the bus stop and there they gave me the surprise :) and it was.. a pretty esprit watch. ang zomg i tell you. the watch box is so pretty. argh. everything is just... pretty. HEHE. rebec put on the watch for me. son said that he saw the heart shape in the watch and he knew he had to get it for me. and grandson wanted to offer me a ****. HAHAHAH. so damn funny.WOOHOO :) im sooooooo happy...

Dad and Mum bought me a sling bag! somtehing i wanted to get since the beginning of the year lah! ZOMG! and of course, i had two celebrations for my bdae this year with dad and mum cause kor bengy got to go overseas on my bdae so he feels bad thus there is an advance celebration last sunday. and this week, Dad and mum brought me to kack's place!! yummy. their things are so expensive but amount quite little siah.

so amazing. i was so not looking forward to my birthday. But am so satisfied. Eunice and Nat was trying to convince me there will not a surprise tmr. only dinner. HAHA. cause im too smart. oh well. Whether there is or not, i guess im already very satisfied. never felt this way before. ohwell.