Thursday, December 13, 2007

and its occupied it by you, the unknown :]:]:]:]:]:]
beeboooo... my leg still hurts. i miss camp... i miss staying in the hotel... the seminars are boring but i miss.....
went to watch the ten commandments today. great show. i really dont mind watching it again and again.
i cant believe its december already.. christmas is coming!! wee. and and and. i really want to start school asap. i miss schooling! but definitely not nss. a new phrase of life. POLY! dangs. i may have to loan from the bank to study. i even thought of going to JC cause it is cheaper. HAHA. crap shit. i definitely wont unless God tells me to. man. i had enough of books! hahah. now its laptop okay. hi-tech leh.
going to dance this sunday and next! heh heh. so excited and so happyyy!!