Saturday, September 8, 2007

i found my friend =D

One that prays for me.
One that is always there.
Always understands me though we dont complete the sentence.
One who went on her knees just to pray for me.
One who may not be staying near me.
One who cried for me when I was in pain.
The only one who could feel and knows my pain though i plastered a smile on my face.
When everyone thought i was fine, you knew i was not.
When i was all in pain and numbed and couldnt cry, you cried in my place.

Thank God i found you

baby has a surprise for me tomorrow.
so evil of her to tell me that she has a surprise and leave me hanging in the air.
haha. buttt... i still wana thank her in advance.
when she knows i am not alright, she will be there to cheer me up.
thankyou sweetttiiieee pie :D