blessings chase after me!
4th april
i spent this morning real specially. something out of the norm. well, if course. normally after I wake u in the morning i will automatically walk to the living room and use the computer and when i do that, its for hours - though i really duno whats there to do for HOURS in front of the computer when i only check my friendster and read ppl's blog. even people i have not met before... so does that make me a K-PO? :P
alright. i got up in the morning and then a flood of thoughts just rush through my brain.
1. go to the reservoir.
2. spent time with God.
3. go for lovey's concert.
and so i went to take a refreshing bath. i will never, i repeat NEVER step out of my house w/o first bathing. EVEN though i predicted that i am gona sweat the moment i step out of my house :D so i made my way to the reservoir. it was really really HOT. i was praying for clouds and wind. HEH. so it wasnt that bad afterall. while making my way to my destination i heard loud cheers that came from the stadium. i was guessing that some school is having their sports day.
found myself a comfortable spot and sat down and began reading the word of God.
was a real quiet and peaceful place .
was a real quiet and peaceful place .
so i left and made my way to the stadium. actually i wanted to walk home. in my mind i wanted to go home! but because the path out of the reservoir to my house were the rest of the man cutting grass so i didnt dare to walk there. so the other exit leads me to the stadium. they were indeed having their sports day. the place was crowded with little kids half my size. adorable...
1 : the competitors 2: audience 3: people who dun even know what is going on.
i made a decision with God that im not going to be an audience anymore. i remembered how when i was in my primary and secondary school days, when i run the race, i knew that i will surly get first and i really got first! not only am i going to be a competitior, im gona start the race knowing that i have won :) the last picture shows a bunch of kids in yellow. they are the team that have won the best house award. and guess what. they are the happiest because they put in their effort to cheer and the rest can only watch their smiling faces but not be able to share the happiness with them. amazing. looking back, i kind of regret not being part of school events. i seem to have miss out on alot. hasnt shyness just taken away so much of my opportunity?
accompanied shuhui to her school in the noon and to the clinic. had a treat to tiramisu in starbucks! i hereby declare my love for tiramisu :)
accompanied shuhui to her school in the noon and to the clinic. had a treat to tiramisu in starbucks! i hereby declare my love for tiramisu :)
went to TP to watch lovey's concert and of course, to check what my school is like.HAHA. its real amazing. pretty. its not run down and all. looks rather new. very lively colours that brightens up the whole atmosphere. im looking forward!! camp is just in a few days camp. i really duno what to expect!!
6th april
6th april
met up with granny for luch and church. havent met her since new year. haha. you know what i mean... red packets? so we had lunch at city hall. was suppose to meet MH at 4.20 but because i get real rigid when time is involve. so met my granny real ealry. we had like one and a half hour more before times up to meet MH. so we went.... SHOPPING! granny offered to buy me a top and i asked her the budget and she said $60. woohoo! so i picked my top :)
then went for miracle svc and headed to aunt's place to eat. granny and uncle both gave me money!! HAHA. so shiokkk!
When holidays came, i really wanted so badly to workkk cause i wanted $$$. but i told God i will use this holidays to build my foundation and spent time with him. and im paid for doing so.
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