Monday, January 21, 2008

- in touch with the deepest and darkest part of my heart. -
in our heart, there are many different rooms with doors. some of the doors are wide open while the others are closed - locked. but the keys have been thrown away, never to be recovered.the latter are memories that have hurt you bad. events that cause your heart to bleed and you never want to revisit it ever in your entire life again. never to be spoke about, never to be recalled. But yet when you dispose it to the back of your mind, you can never be real. inasmuch as you try to smile and pretend you are happy, you know that you are not. though circumstances prove that you should be happy, you are not. you have lost yourself completely. lost the true self. you dont know who you are anymore. afterall, those events that you selectively chose to forget is part of you. in doing so, you are forgetting yourself and hence, you lose a part of you.
hitherto, this was what i have been doing the past sixteen years.
forgetting myself , until this day when i acknowledge the locked doors that did not allow people to enter. it was then when i came in touch with my true self that my heart soften and tears began to secrete in my eyes.

went to celebrate my korkor's birthday today. OH MY. i had CRABS for dinner! yumyum. it was one of the best i have ever eaten okay...
and today, i realised the four other angels that God placed in my life to love me :]
after a great talk with uncle, thoughts began to flood. one truth after the other. some of it is the one mention at the beginning of this post.
with the doors unlocking one by one in the light of God, im walking life out over again. to be true with myself and allowing God to work through me. that i may be a sports car that does not resist the wind of the Holy spirit. He is just wiring my life to be used by him and i gladly abide. I witness His hands upon my life and im walking into a new phrase.