Wednesday, December 26, 2007

god gives grace to the humble.
but he is so arrogant...

my phone spoiled! dropped on the floor and the screen spoiled. all my photos are GONE... oh well.. took mum's spare phone :]
dangsdangsdangsdangs. cut my frindge.
this year's christmas was the most... extrodinary one. HA! did nothing much. didnt feel the christmas season. but anyway i went for buffet with mum and bro and his girlfriend at takashimaya.
love covers the person's goods and even the faults seems perfect. but what happens when love fades?
ohhh. its the 37th day of green beret. POOF! time just flies pass like this. i bet no one in this world has a better and more fruitful holidays than ours :]

friends are those that release you to be who you are and release you into your destiny.
woww. thats a powerful statement and if i apply that statement to my life, i can truly say i have never been a friend to anyone... but i thank God that i will learn to be.
- & you are occupying every part of me