Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random pictures

Love this shot. taken on my birthday this year when the peeps came to surprise me at my void deck, with my mum calling me every few minutes to ask me whether i was reaching home, and exactly where i was already.. i rmb wanting to be left alone on this 'special day'.. and enjoying my stroll home and sleep on the bus but being interrupted by different people calling me. haha, but nonetheless, i appreciate all the love and effort that made my birthday a lil more special than any other days :)

this was the awesome violin performance which i emceed with dear Nat, my dear sister who happens to be on board a cruise now and which reminds me i havent seen her two the last two weeks for lessons. those kids performing were so adorable!

i woke up this morning and took a book to read. and tts beside the point. i suddenly remembered the day i learn independence. i recall the time when i first learn to ride the bicycle. most ppl's first time learning to ride a bicycle would be on the four wheels. but i started out with two wheels. and i rmb vividly that it was an afternoon and my dad took out the wheels of the bicycle and force to learn how to cycle it.

he sat in the living room watching tv while i was at the corridor struggling with the bicycle. haha, i fell many times but he nvr came to my rescue. so i figured he isnt gonna help me. and i kept standing back on my feet aft i fell, no matter how many times i fell. perseverance. quite cool now that i think back. do i still have that tenacity within me now? i guess it still is there. its just, there is a factor that drives me to sit on my laurels. that is the fear of failure. but yea, i will chose to fight it and persevere. i knw that im a determined person. and when i set my mind on something, id get it done. but too many times, i dun get my mind set on something. tts the problem.

and talking about independence. boy do i rmb what happen three years ago at a church camp when i sprained my ankle cause i jump off the stage and landed in the wrong position. that was it. i had to depend on someone to carry me from one place to another. and that was rebec. and i actually cried cause i had t depend on someone else. i was mad i would say. but looking back, isnt this such a huge problem? nvr wanting to depend, nvr wanting to be vulnerable. what has this twelve years done to my heart..

bought a instrument Christian music, played mainly by the violin and its now on repeat on my com :)

just a few days i learn a lesson that is very close to my heart. it was ard the evening. and evening schedules for me is mon tues thurs sat, captain ball. and the rest is for church :) and so it was a monday and i was tired so i decided to take a break from ball. and so mum got me to play with jeshua.

but suddenly while playing he injured his legs and he was about to cry.. i was lik oh myy. please dont.. so i tried to think of ways to divert his attention. (brain scannin really fast and LIGHTBULB!) i told him.. oh no.. Jeshua is injured.. he needs chocolate to be healed right? and he nodded his head sheepishly. and the next thing he said was.. 'but i cannot walk..' then i was confuse for awhile. and i got his meaning. he wanted me to carry him so i diturbed him and said 'u want me to carry u isit!' then from a sad face he suddenly gave an abashed smile and nodded his head. CUTE TO THE MAX PLEASE.

and i did. i piggybacked him. he wasnt light at all. so we walked to the mama shop and i said jeshua, will u sing me a song? i specially love the song he led in yyb:

Never worry about anything
but in every situation
Let God know what you need

In prayer, request,
In giving thanks
And God's pease that goes beyond anything
You can imagine
Will guard your mind and emotions
In Christ Jesus

and so he sang and right into my ears it went.. cause his head was just to the side of my face. and it was such a sweet song. his voice was simply.. enchanting and mesmerizing that totally captured my heart i wished time could freeze that very moment..

of course there was more to that story. but lazy to type out la. but from the short period where i carried him to the shop and back, i got a glimpse into the Father's heart.

the way i feel towards jeshua, the love i have for him, the human finite love that is limited by the sins of man... how much more the infinite love of God towards me.. and the very reason why i could carry jeshua was cause he was injured. and sometimes we only go to God hen we are wounded and injured.. and thats when we share the greatest intimacy and fellowship with Him.

im now waiting for 11am to come to meet f for 'breakfast' and then study :)
and then im heading for captain ball in the evening at 6pm if there is. so join me, anyone if u think u have too much time to spare and wana exercise :)

with love,