Thursday, May 8, 2008

They stay together,
play together,
dream together,
scheme together

i wish i entered the same school as you.

A question suddenly popped into my mind last night while having my dinner.
who would you give up your life for in exchange for theirs?
example if that person was in the hands of a murderer and you are allowed to exchange your life for that other person, who would that be?

i used to think i was very stingy cause i thought i wouldnt do such a thing- to exchange my life for the other party. But almost immediately i had an answer in my heart right after the question pooped out. And i knew that the answer in my heart was really the person i would lay down my life for. someone sooo soo dear to my heart.
So i msg that someone and told that someone that i wont mind giving up my life for that someone's.

this three fellows below are the may babies!

presenting... Xingyong at the left , wan ting, AND.. STINKY!! :) stole this picture from rynna's blog. haha. i know this sweetie wont mind right!! :)