Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i visited monster doctor today! im sureee glad i did :] im like gona run a fever soon. andandand. im SURE GLAD i visited the doctor today. because i realised this.
chinese new year is like next thursday!
if only someone reminded me earlier! i sure would stay away from cold drinks and ice cream and chocolates and cookies and biscuits and blablabla! HEH. well. its not tooo late right. i still got.. one, two , three.... one more week to go! i dont want to be the only one WATCHING people eat those tidbits on new year boy! quick quick recover!!
monster doctor said this : " no cold drinks, chocolates, heaty stuff blablabla for you. (in short, no JUNKS) "
BUT! thats like what i eat EVERY SINGLE DAY CAN! and mum even restrited yogurt juice from me. like OMG!! thats what she define cold drinkss.

okay. bought this book called 'the true measure of a woman' by lisa bevere.
real impactful.
' you are more than what you see '
im sick of trying to be someone im not. trying too hard you know. i should just be happy the way I am. I want my joy back :] i want to be a smiling freak wherever i go, ppl will smile! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):):)
many times we look at the outward appearance. im still guilty of that. But i sure do not want to get crushed by god before i learn to see inward. heh.

bought a chinese bk on boundaries with teens for mum. well. nuts or not i don't know. first. im like letting my mum gain knowledge on how to DRAW BOUNDARIES FOR ME. but next, ( i do weight the benefits okay) it also talks about why teens rebel etc etc and about single mother hood blabla. yeah. I READ THAT BEFORE I PASS IT TO HER.
it talks about the parent forcing the poor kid to grow up faster than what is normal. yeah. i want mum to read that! haha. lol. im not saying this in a rebellious tone. oh well.

I had chilli crabs today! :] yumyum! mum said something ridiculous. together with the crab, you usually order this deep fried bread thats like WOW! andandand she said must wait for the bread to cool before i can eat cause im sick. LIKE WHAT? no sense at all! worst still . she wana order MILO as a drink for me. But the bottomline is... that she cares. BLEAH. and of course mdm SHUHUI who nads at me. HHAHAHA. dont worry. next time you can pass this job to my boyfriend BUT for now, OH NO. you are stuck to this lazy bum girl who just dont listen *shakes head*