Friday, August 8, 2008

This was my initial planned dressing. tsk.

The one i bought in school which i comtemplated for a long long long time. But just before i was to leave the house, mum serene called me and said that we can wear our JB costume throughout cause afterall we will hardly have a chance to wear it so i changed into a red top.

( apparently the class lied and said that all must wear red or else seal points all will be GONE. though i was thinking that was quite ridiculous and wanted to try my luck out and just bring a red scarf since im wearing that dress. But since im gona wear the JB costume throughout i might as well just wear red )

after class ended was suppose to meet mozzie to go for the wedding but he was L A T E. as expected. HAHA. but not entirely him to blame cause i changed the timing and venue last minute. oh well.

The wedding was superb superb please. everyone was dressed prettily and handsomely. heh. except me cause i didnt dress up. Mozzie and I were to sing duet as the special item for mr and mrs jordan (: we were suppose to present romeo and juliet and da ai zhen jiu le wo. Just before worship when i was playing the kepboard mum came to my side and said that mozzie will hold my hand when we sing romeo and juliet. i was like W H A T ?! like shocked lah. but after that we practice a few times and we were on the stage. HA!
Just before we were up on the stage i was like.. 'mozzie, your mother here right?' he said yeah. then i said ' my mother also here leh. i think she'd be shock. he said ' i think so too' LAUGH OUT LOUD.
Could have been alot better if mozzie sang louder and if we had been more natural and less shy. He forgot to hold my hand and we didnt really dare look at each other in the eye. so damn funny. i had to stretch out my hands infront of his face for him to hold.
but well, we'd only get better (: like i said, and have always been saying, MOZZIE IS MY BEST SINGING PARTNER UP TO DATE. and i bet there will still be many chances that i'll stand on the stage with him to sing. well, thats unless THE ONE comes and he can sing lah. or HIS ONE comes and she can sing then it'd be a whole different story. But im still glad i can sing with him again after XYZ years. Partner i missed you you know!

There has never been a wedding like this before. with tambourines to welcome the couple and yeah, the duet. HA. i had sooo much fun. this is so informal and its like a family gathering. i enjoyed myself to the max (: will upload the rest of the mannyyy pictures when i get it.

No words in the English language rhymnes with the words month, orange, sliver and purple?
Go try it out with you don't believe me. if you can think of any words that rhymes with these words, tag me and prove to me that im not smart!

AND DO YOU KNOW DO YOU KNOW that grace LOVES writing emails? (: its my hobby. some secret hobby that i thought was shit till i know someone else who does and PA BOOM! no more secret! i always wanted a penpal. one from overseas hopefully. so yeah. now that you know gracey loves RECEIVING EMAILS too, hurry up and send me a mail and start to be my cyber penpal and share with me how your life is etc etc! HAHAHA.
MY EMAIL IS grace_91@hotmail..com whoever you are (:
pretty crap i know. but serious. i.d be more than glad to receive an email when i check my inbox everyday. makes me haaapppyyy!

winnie the grace